Love & Intimacy Workshop with Donna Ferrato and Daria Bonera

From 9th to 16th of March, 2013.

An unconventional photographic experience with Donna Ferrato and Daria Bonera. Beyond the typical “workshop” exercises, this workshop was about pushing photographers to go beyond
whatever they have learned in the past. The idea was to get emotionally “naked”, to learn how to use the viewfinder or rectangle with a higher purpose, and in the process to become more intimate with friends, strangers, and themselves.
Quickly the rules imposed on the workshop by Maestro Roberti were replaced by a spirit of Bon Vivant, and the intensity grew up in the group. This little story only proves that Daria Bonera, Tomeu Coll and Donna Ferrato are irrepressible mischief makers. Nobody has the right to take themselves so god awful seriously just because they take pictures.

Photographers involved:

Donna Ferrato
Tomeu Coll
Silvia Boschiero
Jordan Weitzman
Girogio Tagliacarne
Chris Papadopoulos
Anna Svelto
Brenda di Bari

and special collaboration of
Daria Bonera

and specials thanks to Carlo Roberti of TPW (The Photographic Workshop)